Tim Leffel is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to international travel destinations on a budget. In this episode, we discuss two of his books geared for the budget travel audience, and there is a giveaway involved so listen now for a chance to win! See below for details.
The World’s Cheapest Destinations lists 21 countries across the world with information about each one such as lodging and food prices as well as why you should go there. This would be the perfect gift for anyone planning a longer trip, or perhaps an RTW trip who wants to keep it cheap.
His new book, A Better Life for Half the Price, discusses where you could consider living abroad for literally half the price of what you may be spending to live in the US. He includes tips for living abroad as well as how to go about getting visas for each country.
These are both books that just needed to be written, and Tim Leffel stepped up, making it easy for the rest of us to compare countries and choose destinations according to our interests and needs.
About Tim Leffel
Tim Leffel is a travel writer, editor, and award-winning blogger and author. He currently resides in Mexico with his wife and daughter. He has been around the world three times and has written several books such as The World’s Cheapest Destinations currently in its 4th edition), A Better Life for Half the Price, Make Your Travel Dollars Worth a Fortune: The Contrarian Traveler’s Guide to Getting More for Less, and Travel Writing 2.0. He is also co-author of Traveler’s Tool Kit: Mexico and Central America.
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Episode 32 Show Notes
What you will hear in this episode:
- List of several of the cheapest destination countries in the world, who should go there and why.
- What makes a country cheap, and how long you need to live somewhere to reap the benefits of saving more and spending less.
- How to legally stay in a country for long periods of time.
- How to see an entire area of the world on a budget.
- How to make money abroad.
- As Tim likes to say about moving overseas, “don’t cut back, cut loose!” as he and his wife have a higher quality of life and fewer bills when they live abroad.
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
The Cheapest Places to Live in the World – 2014 (the most popular posts each year on Tim’s blog)
Get Tim’s Books
- The World’s Cheapest Destinations
- A Better Life for Half the Price (view ebook packages)
- Make Your Travel Dollars Worth a Fortune: The Contrarian Traveler’s Guide to Getting More for Less
- Travel Writing 2.0
- Traveler’s Tool Kit: Mexico and Central America
Check out Tim’s Websites
Find Tim on Twitter and Facebook
Help with renting or buying overseas: Check out my interview with Taylor White from the Overseas Property Insider podcast BMT 025: The Quest for Dual Citizenship: A Conversation with Perpetual Traveler Taylor White
The GIVEAWAY! *Now Closed*
(Read carefully!)
Tim is kind enough to be giving away books to TWO winners!
One winner will receive an ebook version of The World’s Cheapest Destinations, and the other will win the Grand Prize: Tim’s Committed package which includes 3 ebook versions of A Better Life for Half the Price, Choosing Where to Live guide, 4 living abroad reports from other experts, access to Private Facebook Group, Insiders e-mail newsletter, and Access to recorded expat interviews, webinars, and video.
There are TWO ways to win, and all you have to do is speak up! In ONE SENTENCE, tell us where you want to travel or live among the world’s cheapest destinations. You may leave your comment in the comment section below, OR if you are on Twitter, choose the click to tweet button below and tell us there (FYI you will need to edit the tweet before sending it out!).
We will choose one winner from Twitter AND one winner from the comments, and the winner will be announced next Friday, December 26th, so entries must be in by midnight Christmas day! We will announce the winner here in the comments, on Twitter, and also on The Budget-Minded Traveler Facebook page (make sure you follow me there!) Comment away!
Thanks again to Tim for sharing with us, and for writing books that are so helpful for the budget-minded traveler!
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If you love the show and want to help keep it going, please leave a review in iTunes – click here to leave a review, and thanks in advance!
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9 replies on “BMT 032: The World’s Cheapest Destinations with Author Tim Leffel”
Just wanted to post and say I’m catching up on a lot of your old podcasts. Thanks for the content you’re curating. Very interesting and valuable.
Thanks, Matt! So glad you are enjoying the podcast.
Congratulations to Ryan Hardy – you have won the Committed Package which includes the ebook of A Better Life for Half the Price and a whole lot of other fun stuff too, an $89 value!! Please contact Tim directly for your prize – tim@timleffel.com
Thanks so much to all who entered! I encourage you all to make these awesome goals happen. Please see the links above if you’d still like copies of Tim’s books, thanks for tuning in, I appreciate you!
This gets me very excited !! as I am constantly seeking expert advice for traveling and living in Central America … and who knows, maybe I will venture further out ! “Don’t let your dreams be dreams” by Jack Johnson, is my motto 🙂
My biggest goal in life (besides winning Tim’s giveaway) is to retire to Ecuador, even though I’m only 38, because of the beautiful scenery, climate, proximity to the states, and cost of living!
My dream is to explore the streets of Thailand as a jumping-off point for a tour of South East Asia.
As a US-American who’s living in and has already seen all of western Europe, I now have my eye on eastern Europe when it comes to cheap travel destinations. Croatia’s been on my list for a while now, but after hearing Jackie rave about Macedonia and Bulgaria, I’ve decided to make it a point to get to those places in the near future. After my trip to Australia this April, I’m sure I’ll be thrilled that places like these are just around the corner! 😉
My dream would be to live abroad in Costa Rica and using the opportunity to travel around Central and South America. Merry Christmas!!!
I would LOVE to go to Bulgaria someday. Thanks for the opportunity!
Sarah M